Now I don’t write to you guys in hopes of throwing metaphorical stones at you guys. You guy’s can live your life as you please, I’m just simply making suggestions. trust me, I know how exciting and fun that fantasy of being in the throes of passion with yourself can be. However the longer I stay away from It, I find different things in my life that I now find myself devoted to and enjoying the process along the way.
- It depletes your energy for the day
While Initially it might seem like a great Idea to masturbate to porn, It can rob you of energy that you may need for later on that day. Another thing to not is that alot of our behavior as men is influenced by our sex drive and the desire to procreate and not always on a conscious level. Most of this is done on a subconscious level. Its actually been shown that as far as desire is concerned the brain can’t fully see the difference between porn and sex. With porn you have the ability to orgasm multiple times a day, blasting your system with a cocktail of novelty sitting in the cool dark room hunched over streaming sites of different women and video’s all in one afternoon. This is what we call a super normal stimuli. Our ancestors never had access to so many avenues to release all of that sexual energy without a person. Heck back in our evolutionary past I would even venture to say that most men were lucky to find a mate. our sex drive is a powerful motivator because an orgasm happens to be the most powerful natural release of dopamine. Now Image killing one of your biggest evolutionary drives on a computer screen with nothing in return such as intimacy, physical touch, socializing and memories with another person. All you get is an orgasm and a feeling of euphoria followed by a large drop in energy and nothing else in return. If your brain thinks your having sex with multiple women a day and orgasming constantly, it feels like we are succcessful. subconsciously why wouldn’t life be great. why use out energy on anything productive. This can also be explained by the fact that porn use is correlated with less gray matter in the brains reward circuit, meaning the weakening of the pleasure response over time to life in general. Less grey matter in the reward circuit part of the brain means less energy and less reason to be excited about life in general, robbing you of your vitality. think about how our training these nerves, your training them to not feel a weakened sense of pleasure for things that aren’t immedietly gratifying.
2. Porn is essentially voyeuristic.
I remember once as a child, I was scrolling thru the internet and I was looking for funny clips of comedians. I was looking for about 30 min until I happened to stumble upon a clip from a small comedy club. the video was about porn, this outta be good. He started off by telling us that his routine was to spend some time looking for the perfect video, took him about 15-20min. he said that everything was going right until something happened that almost killed his boner. The male Porn-star looked straight at the camera and completely freaked him out nearly killing his boner. He looked at the audience and said “No”!!!!. “Your not supposed to do that man. I’m you rn!! I laughed about it at the time, not thinking too much about it, I was 12, too young to be bothered by the profound. Once I quit porn I had remembered that sketch and realized that people were actually our here masturbating to two people having sex while not being an active participant in the act itself. Would you rather pass by a burger place and just sniff the smell coming from the burger of someone else and imaging yourself eating it, imagining how good it would taste and trying to recreate the mouthfeel and texture with your imagination only to get pleasure from that.Or would you rather actually but a burger and enjoy it yourself. Look in my personal opinion the only thing that doesn’t make porn weird is that we weren’t sitting in a room with them hunched over or laying down in the dark with our dicks out just they were going at it. The computer seems to be the buffer
3. Quitting porn helps you start develop real goals.
Ok before you tell me that this seems like a stretch, I just ask that you hear me out on this one. Quitting porn and masturbating to porn has affected my life in many ways. It gave me a chance to step up to myself and heal my brains wiring. We all know how tough it can be to face up to some of life’s hardships. Imaging how much time and energy we gave up to porn as opposed to doing something more productive with out time. Something that mt not have provided immediate gratification right away, but will provide much more meaningful and lasting mental and lasting basal mental health and mood. the problem with chasing that instant gratification is that anything that might require work and effort for a later reward doesn’t seem as exciting or beneficial in the immediate moment. Quitting porn and taking away that instant gratification that’s also connected to the deep primal urge to seek sex and partners is your way of standing up to your brain and saying no, I have to earn it. Constant ejaculation to porn and masturbation make it so our systems are dopamine depleted. By taking away that avenue of pleasure and relief, you force yourself to seek shots of dopamine in real life. Those activities can include accomplishing a goal, having a stimulating conversation. With being able to overcome powerful urges as well as the rewiring of your dopamine and pleasure receptors, you start to build your discipline and willpower. Learning willpower btw is one of the most important steps in learning how to build habits. when you first start a new habit, you need willpower to help you power thru the resistance of your own brain wanting to stay comfortable in old patterns. Think about it this way, It took you this long to get to the point where your brain is accustomed to immediate gratification. Instead of adding more to your plate right away, its wiser to subtract what may have been hindering you mentally in the first place. trying ti instill new habits in your life with a weakened reward circuit is like trying to throw your body into an intense exercise routine if you spend most of your time laying/sitting down and rarely ever walking. if you do it, then your body will associate exercise with pure pain, and even the feel good endorphins won’t be enough to combat your body’s overwhelming stress/pain response. you’ll be finished before you barely even started.
4. porn can create a cycle of social anxiety
OK, so you’ve had a rough day and want to unwind right, so you fall into a comfortable spot in your house feeling defeated. While your at it you whip out your phone as a means of escape. the last thing you wanna do is anything that may be mentally taxing. the last thing you wanna do is socialize or focus on any of the goals you may have. Usually when we hit a time in our life that’s difficult or we are going thru a period of burnout, we tend to seek out immediate gratification, this could be anything from sugar, alchohol, smoking, illegal substances or hours on the internet, porn, gambling etc. The problem with seeking out any number of these things is that your not addressing the root problem of why you feel the way that you do. you just want to stop feeling that way. Now doing any number of these things every once in a while is fine. the problem though is that we are surrounded by this stuff. Imagine we lived in a world where if you ever felt any pain or discomfort, you could press a button that would make it disappear for a certain amount of time. Now mind you this button wont fix the problem. Thats what our phones and T.V.s are. little instant gratification buttons. now mmore than ever, we have a a growing number of the population growing up with social anxiety. In the times before that you had to learn how to socialize with the world one way or another or life would constantly remind you of your strengths and weakness’s. In the case of porn however the dopamine hits are extremely high. Especially If your prone to isolation this can get a little messy. Since pornography combined with masturbation and orgasm constantly produce high levels of dopamine, your body starts to down-regulate its dopamine receptors, since the body cant handle too much. this creates a decline in dopamine signalling. signs of dopamine signaling usually include E.D. or weak climax’s, decrease in risk taking behaviors, combined with increased anxiety plus a tendance to overreact, can cause you to all withcdraw socially, lack or focus on a specific task accompanied by a specific forgetfulness, as well as a lack of motivation. all of these combined, can drag you thru a mental hellhole that you’ll have to crawl your way out of.